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About Me – fxmendoza





Hi, I’m Frank!

Well actually my full name is Francisco Xavier Mendoza
(you killed my father, prepare to die!). Can you imagine typing that whole name into the browser?

So I decided to make your life a bit easier and use “fxmendoza.com”.

In the most unabashed way, I am a Data-Head (Quant-Jock, Data-Hound, Data-Geek). I have always been drawn to numbers and problem-solving. What I have found over the years is that data is a tool, just like any other. You cannot rely too heavily on it, but you should not ignore it either. Data is just information, and more often than not, information can drive you to make better decisions.

Since 2015 via my company, Catalytics, I have concentrated on introducing innovation inside corporate clients via the use of Advanced Analytics and Data Science.

Some Brands I have been fortunate to work with:


My Learning Journey

As my “Learning Journey” shows, I have a never-ending thirst for education. I have obtained 2 degrees from the great University of Texas at Austin, Mechanical Engineering and MBA (Hook ’em)! Along the path, I was able to acquire a Black Belt in Six Sigma (data-driven methodology for eliminating defects in any process) from GE Aircraft Engines and Dell.

As part of a startup, I learned the principles of “Lean Startup“. I really gravitated to this methodology because it leveraged many of the principles I learned in Six Sigma, but applied them to testing and validating business ideas and models. More importantly, it showed that data should be a barometer of success, not the end goal. Concepts like Minimum Viable Products (MVP) and pivoting opened a world of possibilities.

Over my career, I have been able to use data analysis and visualization to tell many stories and transform organizations, but I believe that we are entering a new industrial revolution. I always knew that data was powerful, but only recently have the stars begun to align to truly demonstrate its power – Cloud Computing, Big Data Collection, and improved Algorithms.

Load more…

In 2015, I started my own company, Catalytics (Catalyst + Analytics), to work with corporate partners to inject innovation by applying entrepreneurial concepts (Lean Startup/Intrapreneurship) and Advanced Analytics (Data Science/AI/Machine Learning).
Today, I created “fxmendoza.com” to do one thing – provide you the tools/resources needed to help your organization become more Data-Driven. Where do I go from here? As the question mark suggests, Who Knows? I am sincerely enjoying the journey and hope this site provides you with value (and if it doesn’t let me know).
I do hope my journey, and yours do cross sometime in the future! Let’s connect.

1 + 0 = ?

Contact Information

502 W 30th St.
Austin, TX 78705

Phone: +1(512) 767-8604

Email: Frank@fxmendoza.com